The Munton family has been striving to breed Angus cattle that will meet the needs of the commercial cattle man since 1960. We feel that over the years certain traits have always come to the forefront of our selection criteria. These traits are, were, and always will be, calving ease, fertility, milking ability, good hair, performance (which equates to thickness), and temperament. It is essential that the beef business concentrate on producing a product that the consumer depends.
In addition to developing these qualities we have been ultrasounding each and every calf at a year of age taing images for ribeye size,
percentage of intramuscular fat, rib fat and rump fat. These images taken by a certified technician are sent to The Centralized Ultrasound Processing Lab for independent processing with results sent to the Canadian Angus Association, American Angus Association, and Red Angus Association of America. As well since 2011 we have been obtaining genomic data giving us Genomic Enhanced Expected Progeny Differences on our herd sires and other selected cattle within the herd. These selection tools help us in our selection of cattle that will produce high yielding cattle with adequate marbling to produce grade AAA beef which in turn adds dollars to our customer's returns.
Our cattle are weighed at birth, weaning and a year of age. We participate in the Canadian Angus Association ROP program resulting in 205 day weight and 365 day weight measurements as well as Expected Progeny Difference (EPD) calculations.
We try and take advantage of every tool available to help us select cattle that will get the job done for our customers. As well our cattle must look the part. Eye appeal is important and functionality is key.
Our cows are managed as any good commercial ranching outfit runs their cows. The calves are not creep fed and run on shortgrass in large pastures. They must calve easily, milk well, breed back and be easy to handle. Weaning is done around October 1st with the bull calves going on a sileage growing ration which is fed to have the bulls gain 2.5 lbs. per day. The heifers go back to grass until about the first of the year. We pay particular attention to the 205 day weights at weaning and the 365 day weights as we feel our customers want cattle that excel at weaning and in the feedlot.
We feel we have gone the extra mile to breed the right cattle and to accommodate our customers.
commercial cattle man since 1960